Customer Service
Last updated
Last updated
Hello and welcome to DisBot™ Customer Service In this document you will find out everything like where and what you can do with the service.
Q: Is this Service free?
A: Yes it's full free and your bot ist 24/7
Q: Have this Service limits?
A: No, but you only can create one Customer per Discord Account
Q: What is coming soon?
A: A Dashboard like Portainer or Moonlight
Q: How to get more help?
A: Join our Discord (see navbar)
Go to Disbot DM and run the Command /customer
and press Create a Customer
If you have open the Modal create a Application by Discord.
Create the Bot
Copy Application ID
Go to -> Bot
Select all Gateway Intent Bits
[Optional] Disable Public Bot
Reset the Token and Copy it.
Now you have a Bot and please fill the modal.
Now DisBot Fetch all infos and create your bot. Please Wait
Your are Done if DisBot send this message.
Now run /customer
again and Select the Bot.
Now you need to Start the Bot and you are Done. If the Bot is started Refresh the Data and Invite the Bot.